This game and thousands of others use "love" as some kind of plot point and unlike super meat boy there's not even a clever analog here where the two characters have some kind of relationship beyond being love interests. It's lazy writing and it's got to stop. I don't care about whoever she is so stop acting like I need a reason to run around and throw crates, it's insulting on an intellectual level.
Now that that ugliness is out of the way, the game ran, looks, sounds, and controls fine but one little detail that you forgot to put in the tutorial is that throwing crates at enemies is the CORE gameplay. You tell me how to do it... sure. But you never say why I need to do it. I didn't make the connection between throwing crates and healing at first, so I thought if I could just jump my way through this game then why not? Died my first time, and noticed that my field of vision got smaller the more damage I took. Little did I know that it got smaller over time regardless making it harder to see and that's why I was taking damage.
So I thought "well I just have to take less damage" tried again without throwing crates, same result... but I noticed that my health was going down on it's own. Then after receiving no help from the game I FINALLY decided to look down in the description so see what the fuck was going on. That's where I learned about the health restoration mechanic. Tried again and beat the game easily, but I walked away feeling conned. Like if I just knew how to play from the beginning I wouldn't have wasted so much time.
Use this my friend... USE IT TO GROW!